Amid all the crazy that is going on in the world, and the uncharted waters we are all navigating, a good self-reset isn’t the craziest of all ideas. 


Quarantined? Make yourself a schedule! Here are some things to add into the schedule:


Outdoor time 

 Read a book, go on a walk, or sit in the sunshine.


Been putting off a project that you haven’t had the time for? Or, start a new one - crafting, home improvement, spring cleaning even!


It’s a dreaded word, but tons are available for free online, why not give

them a shot? 


Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and stick to regular eating patterns. Try to avoid binge-eating - write out your meals you plan to have during the day including snacks and stick to it!

Skincare Routine

  1. Cleanse 
  • Reset your skin, clear away makeup, dirt, oils
  • Tone
    • Prep your skin for the treatment step, removing residual cleanser, and balancing pH so your treatment products work better for you.
  • Treat 
    • Enter in hydrating, anti-aging, brightening skin products, here!
  • Moisturize
    • Cap off the routine with a great moisturizer.


    Self care is more important now than ever - above all, stay healthy and safe!

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